
Thursday, October 13, 2011 husby.

I've had a pretty good pregnancy (considering some of the horror stories I've heard), but it would not be this good if it wasn't for my husby. 

Up until my ultrasound, at almost seven weeks, I was struggling to be excited.  I knew the test had come out positive and I knew that my BETA levels were very high...but I was having a hard time really believing it.  Like I mentioned it the previous blog I researched EVERYTHING.  And it wasn't until I saw that little heartbeat that I realized how silly I had been and I had wasted three weeks not celebrating my pregnancy.  Luckily I had my husby there to remind me how blessed we are...we are going to be parents...again...just this time together from the beginning. 

Then it started...My cravings for pancakes and sweets.  It was a little bit before my birthday all I wanted to eat was pancakes, and it was hard for me to WANT other things.  I could eat just fine and I tried to eat healthy at least for lunch, but when I got home my husby would make me pancakes.  I know it might not be a big deal, but to me those pancakes were some of the most amazing food I've ever had. 

After the pancakes came a week of misery.  My 10th week I stopped wanting anything...especially pancakes.  Any food I smelled, or even thought of, made me sick to my tumach.  I would call Jim crying from school because I was so hungry, but I couldn't eat at all.  He supported me when I came home with ramen noodles, cereal, chips and dip, and ravioli...I figured I would be able to eat one of those things...the ramen worked.  So my wonderful husby and I ate ramen for a week...and he pretended to love every minute of it! That was also the week he made sure to clean the bathrooms in case something made me throw up again (it was only once...the tuna...sorry if that's TMI)! 

This week, my 11th week, I stopped wanting hot much for the ramen.  So it's been a good week for cereal, salads and fruit.  Today I fed my husby the can of ravioli and he made me feel like I'd just made him his favorite dish (which I did make him in week seven or chile chicken enchiladas, one and a half 11 x 13 pans with real Hatch chile...I ate pancakes). 

Yesterday at my doctor's appointment the doctor had a hard time finding my baby's heartbeat.  As I tried to stay calm by praying and talking to my baby I could see the look of fear on my husby's face.  And I knew, he wasn't scared that something was wrong with the baby (he of course had already done all of the research).  He was scared of how not hearing it would affect me.  When we heard it we both let out a sigh of relief and all was well with the world again.

I am so blessed to have someone that is so supportive, understanding, loving, and patient...the latter being a fairly new characteristic of my husby.  He forgives my forgetfulness, comforts me when things make me cry, eats anything I make, and reminds me to laugh every single day.